Henry W. Dienst

Chairman of the Board - Past President 1970-1995

Henry Dienst is Chairman of the Board of Directors of Simpson Technologies Corporation in Aurora, IL USA. Henry joined the company full time in December 1964 and, in 1970, became the fourth generation of the family to assume the role of President. He became Chairman of the Board in 1988. Henry graduated from Aurora University in Aurora, Illinois in 1959 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics.

Under Henry‘s leadership Simpson has grown significantly and achieved several noteworthy milestones. Henry acted as the lead negotiator on the largest single dollar value order in company history when the Russian company KAMAZ ordered technology for the Kama River Truck Plant in 1973 including more than 26 of Simpson’s largest machines. Henry oversaw the construction of Simpson’s headquarters building in Aurora, IL during 1990 and the merger of National Engineering Company and Simpson Maschinen AG.

Henry has provided leadership in many metal casting industry professional organizations including serving as the President of the Casting Industry Suppliers Association (f/n/a Foundry Equipment Manufacturers Association) in 1978-80 and as President of the American Foundry Society in 1996-97. Henry guided AFS during its 100th year anniversary. In recognition of his service Henry was awarded the Casting Industry Suppliers Association Presidents Award in 1995. Henry also served on the Foundry Educational Foundation Board of Trustees from 1974-78. Henry is a lifetime member of the American Ceramics Society.