Shatter Index Tester

Model 42159

This tester is designed to measure resistance to degeneration and plasticity of clay bonded sand upon impacting a target at a fixed velocity. This “shatter index” has been shown to correspond to the ability to draw deep pockets during the molding process.

Operation of this instrument begins with a specimen tube containing the prepared sand sample (AFS 2” x 2” or metric 50 mm x 50 mm) which is prepared and placed in the sand sample tube holder on the apparatus. The device is then activated via an automatic control knob that pneumatically retracts the specimen tube while restraining the sand specimen. The retraction of the specimen tube allows the sand sample to be dropped from a set distance with an initial velocity of zero. By utilizing this automated design, the operator influence that normally dictates the starting velocity in older designs is eliminated and the sand sample has a controlled and constant descent until contacting the anvil. Once the sand sample impacts the anvil, the degenerated sand falls through the screen and is collected in the custom molded catch pan for analysis.

Components Included: One pneumatic regulator/filter with fittings, Air line for connecting machine to regulator, 1/2″ mesh sand sieve, Sand catch pan, Sand target, and Plumb bob with line and attachment screw.


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AFS: Part # 0042159
Metric: Part # 0042159


Process: Clay Bonded Sand



 Part Number: 0042159
 Compressed Air: 6 bar (90 psi)
 Length: 22" / 559mm
 Width: 18" / 457mm
 Height: 91" / 2,311mm
 Weight: 1155lb / 44.8kg



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