
Congratulations and Happy Retirement, Scott Strobl!

Today closes the books on the 30-year career of my colleague and good friend Scott Strobl with Simpson. Today is Scott’s last day at Simpson before he begins a much deserved and well-earned retirement. I don’t have words to describe my feelings but even though I will miss my colleague and dear friend – I am happy. We have been through so much together in our work and personal lives. Over the last 30 years we grew Simpson nearly 4x, completed 6 acquisitions, managed through the Great Recession and the pandemic and along the way won far more battles than we lost. We survived and grew when other, bigger companies failed. We prepared the transition to join Simpson with Norican and be partners with other iconic technology power brands like DISA, Wheelabrator, StrikoWestofen and ItalPressGauss to form one of the largest and most successful foundry technology companies in the world.

We saw the world together and made lifelong friendships in many countries. We hunted, we fished, and we drank a lot of beer (mostly Budweiser). Be happy my friend. Hunt ‘em up. Find the hole full of fish around the next corner. Smell the sage and watch the thunderstorms come over the mountains. Enjoy your beautiful family. Enjoy life. Keep a tight line. We have the watch.

-Bruce Dienst