
Year in Review

As the holiday season is upon us, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year and those who have helped to shape our business. It’s been quite a year for us all! 2020 turned into the year everything went virtual.

Before we head into 2021 we want to share some of our virtual successes. We hope our “Year In Review” reminds you that even though we were apart, together we were still triumphant in successfully conquering all of the challenges 2020 threw at us.

Top 4 Virtual Successes:

  1. Website Expansion – In 2020 we added over 30 new pages to the Simpson Website. We merged the Simpson and Webac websites so all Simpson Group companies share one website domain, added many new product pages, created a new section for Parts & Service dedicated to parts and upgrades, updated the Sand Testing Resource Center and continued blogging. Please check back often as we will continue to expand our website offerings in 2021. 
  2. Product Videos – With everything being virtual in 2020, we made sure our YouTube channel was up-to-date.  Many customers took advantage of watching product demonstration videos online and enjoyed seeing testimonial videos showcasing Simpson sand preparation and control technologies in foundries like theirs. Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter as we count down to the New Year with our top 20 videos and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel.
  3. Presented at Virtual Conferences – We attended many virtual events and conferences in 2020 and even presented at a few! We gave a presentation on the economic, environmental and technical advantages of pneumatic sand reclamation at the AFS Additive Manufacturing Sand Conference. We also participated in the 35th Italian Foundry Technical Congress and gave a presentation on the “New Developments in High Efficiency Continuous Mixing in Green Sand Systems”. If you missed either of these two presentations and are interested in hearing them please contact to set-up a meeting
  4. Zoom Meetings – Of course we cannot forget all of the zoom and virtual meetings we had. Virtual meetings made it possible to be apart, together! We enjoyed connecting with everyone through various virtual meeting platforms and hope you enjoyed our creativity in coming up with custom Simpson Zoom backgrounds. Please contact us anytime.

Reflecting on the year it is clear that 2020 will be unforgettable. Before we ring in 2021 we would like to take a moment to wish you and your family a happy holiday season. We appreciate working with you and hope that the holidays and the coming year will bring you happiness, success and good health.

Happy Holidays from Everyone at Simpson!