
Sand Reclamation Test Program

No two foundries are exactly the same in their combination of sand, binder and operating conditions. Before making a purchase decision, we will test your foundry’s sand, provide you with a full analysis of the results and select the optimum reclaimer for your sand system requirements.

Sand reclamation tests are run in a single cell Simpson Even-Flo® pneumatic scrubber at the Simpson Performance Laboratory in Aurora, IL. For a minimal fee of $1,320 USD we process multiple samples through our test facility to pneumatically reclaim your chemical or bentonite bonded ceramic, silica or non-silica sand. Typically, we run three sand samples that are scrubbed under different process parameters and document the results from using the Simpson sand reclaimer. After the test in completed the reclaimed sand along with all the associated waste streams (tramp metal and dust) will be returned to your foundry for your evaluation. If new sand reclamation equipment is purchased from Simpson within 1 year of the test completion, the test fees paid, excluding shipping costs will be credited to the equipment purchase.

You can schedule a sand reclamation test in 5 easy steps.

  1. Complete the sand test data & procedure forms – When the completed test form and purchase order is returned to Simpson they are reviewed by our technical and laboratory experts to determine the requirements for your reclamation test. After reviewing the test procedures an RMA (Return Materials Authorization) is prepared that will be used to ship the sand samples to Simpson.
  2. Ship sand samples – A typical testing program will require 1,200 lbs. – 1,500 lbs. (545 kgs. – 680 kgs.) of dry sand (moisture not to exceed 1.5%). All costs associated with shipping the sand to Simpson and returning the sand to the foundry is your responsibility.
  3. Schedule the reclamation test – When the sand samples are received at the Simpson test facility a final test date will be confirmed.
  4. Attend test (customer) – Simpson strongly suggests that a representative from your foundry attends the reclamation test. It is important to understand the total reclamation process and the components required for processing your foundry’s sand.  Also, if time permits, we will arrange a plant visit to Manufacturers Brass and Aluminum Foundry (MBAF) to review their installation.
  5. Determine test batch parameters – Typically three different scrub rates are processed, 1,000 lbs. (454 kgs.)/hr./cell, 1,500 lbs. (680 kgs.)/hr./cell and 2,000 lbs. (905 kgs.)/hr./cell. These test rates are equal to approximate production process rates in a single 4 cell Simpson Pro-Claim® of 5 US tons (4.5 metric tons) per hour, 7.5 US tons (6.8 metric tons) per hour and 10 US tons (9 metric tons) per hour.  The production rates would approximately equal 2 US tons per hour (1.8 metric tons), 3 US tons (2.7 metric tons) per hour and 5 US tons (4.5 metric tons) per hour using a 2 Cell Simpson Pro-Claim®. The production 2 cell Even-Flo® would equal approximate production rates of 1 US tons per hour (0.9 metric tons), 1.5 US tons per hour (1.3 metric tons) and 2.0 US tons per hour (1.8 metric tons) respectively.

Once your sand reclamation test is scheduled, here is what you can expect. A typical reclamation test consists of 6 steps, followed by a comprehensive report.

  1. Drum loader – The start of the reclamation test is your sand sample placed into the drum loader.
  2. Vibratory lump reducer – Next your sand sample is processed to reduce the sand sample to a -1/8” size and remove tramp metals.
  3. Transport belt with magnetic separation – After the sand is discharged from the lump reducer it is conveyed over a magnetic head pulley removing fine metallic particles. At this time a 300 lb. (136 kgs.) sand sample is also weighed out.
  4. Drum loader – The 300 lb. (136 kgs.) sand sample is placed into the drum loader to be dumped into the 1-Cell Simpson Even-Flo® sand reclaimer.
  5. Model 1-Cell Simpson Even-Flo® with rotary screen – The 300lb (136 kgs.) sand sample is loaded into the laboratory Simpson Even-Flo® pneumatic reclaimer and processed. The laboratory reclaimer is a single cell production reclaimer that has been slightly modified to operate in a batch mode. Once charged into the Even-Flo, the sand is scrubbed for a predetermined time, referred to as the scrub rate (lbs./hr./cell). The processed sand is discharged, weighed and sampled. The batch scrub rates used are easily converted to retention times to determine sizing requirements for continuous operation. Typically, this process is repeated 3 times at different scrub rates.
  6. Dust collector / cyclone – The Even-Flo is connected to a dust collector and cyclone. After each test batch, the contents of the cyclone are discharged, sampled and weighed.  After the completion of all 3 tests the dust collector is emptied and weighed. The total weight of dust is divided equally between batches to determine a material mass balance. The reclaimed sand and cyclone materials from each test run are kept separated, identified and returned.

Analysis/Reporting – The last step in the test program is the analysis and reporting. Standard laboratory sand tests are performed on the sand sample as received from each of the 3 test runs and the cyclone material. The “as received” test data is used as baseline information during the testing program. To determine the effectiveness of clay and additive removal as measured by Methylene Blue Clay and AFS Clay, combustibles removal as measured by LOI (loss on ignition) reduction along with pH and Acid Demand Value. AFS/GFN test are also done.
*specific sand tests performed will vary depending upon application*

You can watch an actual sand reclamation testconducted in the Performance Lab here. In this video you will hear how the settings from the test compared to the settings and performance after installation. The only way to properly determine the performance and expected payback of reclamation is to conduct a test using your foundry’s sand prior to buying a system.

We are here and ready to help you get started on your way to becoming a more profitable, environmentally responsible foundry. For more information, please visit our sand reclamation webpage.