Customer Success Stories
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Grede, Monitizer, and Simpson: Harnessing Expertise and Technology for Optimal Foundry Performance
Experience with Simpson Speedmuller
Experience with Simpson Sand Testing Equipment
Donsco Foundry with DISA, Simpson & Wheelabrator
Relying on Norican for large parts of the casting line means a multi-talented Norican team is always on hand to complement Donsco’s in-house resources – whether the issue is about sand or shot-blasting, trouble-shooting or strategic upgrades.
Lodge Manufacturing
Simpson Solutions case study of Lodge Manufacturing Company project for a new sand preparation system in a thin-walled iron casting application.
Charlotte Pipe
Simpson Solutions case study of Charlotte Pipe project for a new sand preparation and control system for gray iron Drain, Waste & Vent (DWV) castings.
Manufacturer’s Brass and Aluminum Foundry
Simpson Solutions case study of Manufacturer’s Brass and Aluminum Foundry (MBAF) project for a new sand preparation and control system for brass, bronze and aluminum castings along with a sand reclamation system for a no bake molding line.