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Offers a sand laboratory the speed and accuracy required to perform all weighing applications.
This tester is designed to measure resistance to degeneration and plasticity of clay bonded sand upon impacting a target at a fixed velocity.
Used to determine the amount of live bentonite clay present in a sand sample.
Used to prepare a representative sample of unbonded foundry sands for sieve analysis testing.
The Methylene Blue Clay Tester is used to determine the amount of live bentonite clay present in a sand sample.
For the determination of the transverse strength of core sand, a standard sample specimen of reproducible quality must be made.
Used to determine the friability (surface integrity) of a clay bonded foundry molding sand by measuring the ability of compacted molding sand to resist abrasion or scuffing within the first few millimeters at the surface of a prepared mold.
Used to verify and calibrate the Digital Absolute Permmeter.
Ensures a practically movement-free force measurement by means of an oscillating crystal-controlled sensor.