Pneumatic Ejector

Model PAB-P

The ejection of the test specimen can influence all next tests. This instrument automatically ejects the specimen softly, ensuring high repeatability. Since the human “factor” can be eliminated, the test sample can be ejected without any further compaction. Tests have shown that this additional compaction falsifies the results of later measurements, e.g. the compressive strength.

The Pneumatic Ejector (Model PAB-P) is designed exclusively for compacted green and core sand specimen. With the PAB-P, the test specimen is pushed out pneumatically by the extending cylinder and simultaneously the test specimen tube is cleaned. Core sand specimens, without a split test specimen tube, can also be safely ejected.


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Metric: Part # 592-820-628


Process: Clay Bonded Sand



 Part Number: 592-820-628
 Compressed Air: 6 bar (90 psi)



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