
Impact of Reducing Consumables with the Simpson Pro-Claim

No two foundries are exactly the same in their combination of sand, binder and operating conditions. As a result, the only way to properly determine the performance and expected payback of reclamation is to conduct a test at the Simpson Performance Laboratory. We will test your foundry’s sand or ceramic material, provide you with a full analysis of the results and even invite you to attend the test and see the benefits offered by pneumatic reclamation first-hand.

Before investing in a sand reclamation system, Manufacturers Brass and Aluminum Foundry (MBAF) conducted a reclamation test on their foundry’s urethane bonded silica sand to confirm if investing in sand reclamation technology would reduce costs and produce quality sand for reuse. MBAF found that a Simpson sand reclamation system would allow them to reclaim large volumes of sand that performed as well as or better than new sand. The test results also proved that utilizing a Simpson sand reclaimer would produce a 29% reduction in Loss on Ignition (LOI) and a 58% reduction in the Acid Demand Value (ADV). With great results from the testing program, MBAF made the decision to purchase a model 2-Cell Simpson Pro-Claim® sand reclaimer.

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Both the case study and the video explain that the high quality of the reclaimed sand being discharged from the Pro-Claim has enabled MBAF to mold with 95% reclaimed and a 5% new sand make-up when previously the reclaim sand was only 40% of their sand blend. The actual production sand tests very closely duplicated the results that were obtained during the initial testing phase at the Simpson Performance Laboratory. Prior to the installation of the Pro-Claim, MBAF was purchasing 50 tons per month of new sand – which has now been reduced to purchasing only 8 tons per month. Their monthly new sand cost has been reduced by 84%. Additional savings are being realized in handling and disposal costs too. By utilizing the Simpson Pro-Claim, every year hundreds of tons less waste is being disposed by MBAF.

To learn more about the reclamation testing process, how to schedule a test and what to expect the day of the test read our blog article. Hundreds of foundries using all types of sand and ceramic materials significantly lower their production costs and improve sand quality by installing a Simpson reclamation unit. To discuss how sand reclamation can benefit your foundry’s specific process please email